May 28-
To all Republicans,
Standing Meetings of the County Party...
Since your last email, May26, our monthly meeting site has been changed.
We will meet in the AMC Bldg., the Armory Municipal Bldg., 100 N. Water St.
Meeting time will be 6:30pm and we will meet on the 1st Tues of each month except in Sept.
Mark your calendars for the following dates: June 2, July 7, Aug 4, Sept 15(3rd Tues.), Oct 5, Nov 3, Dec 1.
6/27/09 Second District Meeting Muskogee Public Library Grant Foreman Room 1-3 PM
6/27/09 Second District Meeting Muskogee Public Library Grant Foreman Room 1-3 PM
June 20th: OFYR Convention 3 PM
Past Events:
May 24th: Drillers Game in Tulsa with Muskogee County, Tulsa County YR's.
May 19th: American Majority and Americans for Prosperity are coming to Tahlequah. You will need to RSVP for this. Lunch provided.
Check out the American Majority Website for upcoming trainings.
May 7th: Night at the Gallery. Thanks to those who registered for the Convention!
April 2009:
4/15th Tea Party
5:30 Tahlequah (Behind the NSU Fountain Area) Co-Sponsored with NSU College Republicans
6:30 Movie "Media Malpractice"
4/17th & 4/18th State Convention
March 2009: Attended American Majority Activist Training and American Majority Event in Tulsa with Senator Coburn. Building Conservative Grassroots Leaders
Helped at the CCRW rummage sale at the Tahlequah Community Building, went with the Muskogee County YR's bowling.
January 14, 2009: CCYR officers escorted Heather Bearpaw to register to vote!
January 12, 2008: Thank you to those who came out to welcome and hear Senator Coffee present to the Republicans of Cherokee County!
2008: Hosted Cherokee County Republican Breakfast at NSU Jazz Lab, Chair & Vice chair Attended State Party Meeting in December, Each month saw new members, sponsored the NSU Watch Party, worked with the CCRW and CCR and MCYR's, Movie Night, Meetings, passing our bylaws, donating to the CCRW, volunteer work and many other accomplishments that our members can be proud of!